the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
What’s in a name?
Synergy stems from our mission statement of collaboration. To combine our experience with your engagement and take an honest assessment of where an animal is at.
From there, we show you the path forward and equip you as an owner or pet professional with all the tools and skills necessary to care for a happy, well-behaved animal.
The synergy happens when we work together and the results are greater than working alone. We believe in achieving better together.
Animal Behavior is an important distinction from basic training techniques. While training is often part of our treatment, our approach is multi-faceted and comprehensive. There are many behavior problems that are difficult or impossible to treat with training alone.
Just like humans, animals are unique and require attention and treatment from qualified professionals who care. Especially when things don’t go according to plan.

At Synergy Animal Behavior, we prevent and treat animal behavior problems through a proven process of helpful education and guidance for owners and caring, hands-on work with animals.
The scientific and objective study of animal behavior especially under natural conditions
The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience or study
Philosophy + Approach
Founded in the science of learning and ethology, our process is reward-based, collaborative, flexible, and personalized for you. Our approach encompasses:
- Your unique goals
- Your animal’s history
- Medical follow-up with your veterinarian
- Safety & management
- Daily care
- Routine
- Enrichment
- Behavior modification
- Client study & follow-up

Meet the Owner: Jennie Lane, RVT, MA, ACAAB
In a lifelong pursuit to study animal behavior, Jennie Lane started as a child riding rescued horses, running from aggressive farm animals, and showing Shar-peis in conformation. She often found herself wondering what the animals were thinking and trying to predict their next move.
After becoming a Registered Veterinary Technician in 1993, her interest in animal behavior found a place to flourish as she strove to understand how to comfort her patients and prevent them from responding aggressively.
She studied animal behavior, biology, and psychology, obtaining a Bachelor of Science from the University of California, Davis and a Master of Arts from California State University, Sacramento.
While in graduate school, she was the Behavior Technician for the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Behavior Service. Immersed in clinical behavior practice and research, she completed her master’s thesis on client compliance in the treatment of canine aggression.
For many years she worked in veterinary practice focusing on behavior. As she noticed an increase in Pit Bulls presenting with severe behavior problems, she felt the call to help this group of dogs more directly. This calling became a career through work as a Professional Behavior Responder with the ASPCA and as a Behavior Coordinator for the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria.
Along the way, Jennie received the honor of becoming an Associate Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist. This certification reflects an acknowledgment by the Animal Behavior Society that she meets the professional animal behaviorist standards of education, experience, and ethics.
Jennie founded Synergy Animal Behavior so she could help people and pets. She loves helping clients understand how to humanely guide their pets to be the best versions of themselves. She feels passionate about collaborating with other animal professionals to help her clients maintain long-term, comprehensive support. Jennie also prioritizes making time to support shelters, rescue groups, and other animal welfare organizations.
Since founding Synergy Animal Behavior, Jennie noticed that many of her clients feel overwhelmed by more than just their pet. This inspired her obtain certification as a KonMari Consultant and add professional organizing to her list of services.
She lives in the Memphis area with her husband, two human sons, a Pit Bull mix named Zoe Lou, a Boxer mix named Tully, two rescued Persian cats named Sofi and Fiona, and a gorgeous American Quarter Horse named Mickey.
Beginning in January of 2025, Jennie will be going on sabbatical for the year. She would still love to hear from you and will help connect you to another provider to help you reach your goals.
Committed to supporting individual animal owners, shelters, rescue groups, and animal welfare organizations,
Jennie enjoys teaching and presenting on a variety of topics including:
- Client compliance and communication
- Low stress and safe animal handling
- Indoor pet enrichment
- Animal and human body language
- Optimizing limited shelter resources for behavior programs
- Strategies for preventing relinquishment
- Common pet behavior problems
- The role of veterinary technicians in the treatment of behavior problems
- Case reports
- And much more!
“Jennie guided our family through a high-stress time. Our newly adopted rescue dog began showing aggressive behaviors a few months after we adopted him and right before our first child was born. She was always patient in our discussions, helping us unpack what had triggered our dog's behavior and working through surprises as our highly unpredictable dog threw challenge after challenge at us without throwing Jennie off. She helped us develop specific plans to practice with him in different settings, and helped arrange training scenarios to assess him and give him practice. The best part about working with Jennie was how adaptable, realistic, and supportive she was of us. Jennie met us where we were in our lives--tired and stressed new parents worried about our dog and our baby--and she calibrated her recommendations to find a plan that would give us progress without overwhelming us. She was always clear that she would support us in keeping our dog and working through his challenges, and that she would also support us if we needed to re-home him. Fortunately, we've been able to keep our family together, even as our newborn has grown into an active toddler!”
- —Beth France