Would you like to incorporate more Memphis pet behavior training into your practice?
We’re you’re trusted source for collaboration, case reviews, and conversations; if you have something on your mind, we’re always happy to talk animal behavior training!
Imagine having an animal behavior specialist to recommend to your clients when they ask about specific behavior problems.
We offer consultations for patients at your clinic and clients in their Memphis and surrounding areas homes.
With us, it’s easy to incorporate more pet behavior training into your practice, with the utmost staff safety and patient comfort.

We also offer coaching, seminars, and workshops on:
- Body Language - Cat - Dog - Human
- Let’s Talk About Pit Bulls; the delight, the challenge, & the balance
- Client Compliance in the Treatment of Behavior Problems
- Low-Stress Handling
- Common Pet Behavior Problems; what you can do to help
- Preventing Behavior Problems
- Moving with Pets and Kids
- Defensive Handling
- Helping Pets Prepare for and Adjust to Children
- Enrichment for Animals
- Preventing and Treating House Soiling in Cats
- Petscaping: pet-centered interior and exterior planning/arranging with a focus on species appropriate enrichment
- And more!
Desire a service not mentioned here? Contact us and we’ll customize a program to meet your need
“I have always had a great experience consulting with Jennie professionally on several of my most challenging patients’ behavioral problems through the years. I trust her completely as an ally in some of our professions most difficult cases. Her consultations have enabled many of my clients to live a happier, safer life with their beloved pets.”
- —Ellie Bush, DVM
“As a Registered Veterinary Technician with decades of experience in veterinary settings, I have a strong understanding of the veterinary perspective and seek to support practices in my community both in clinics and through their clients at home.”
- —Jennie Lane, Owner Synergy Animal Behavior, RVT, MA, ACAAB