Welcome to our first blog and our website! For those of you who have been waiting for this site to launch, thank-you for your patience. If you just stumbled upon it, we are so glad you’re here.

The idea of Synergy Animal Behavior was born in California, but a military relocation postponed the birth of the business until we moved to the Washington DC metro. Another relocation delayed the launch of the website until our landing in the Memphis area.

Now that we are here in Shelby County, we are taking root and all is settling into place so beautifully. We have received such a warm reception since arriving in this region. We are impressed by the dedicated pet owners, skilled training community, compassionate veterinary services, fantastic pet sitters, locally sourced pet supplies, committed shelter and rescue organizations, vast equine opportunities, and regional conservation activities. There is something animal-related for everyone here.

As with much of life, the light side is balanced by the dark. We would be amiss not to mention the challenge we have faced learning about the local wildlife. While we were prepared to navigate venomous snakes, we were surprised by the armadillos. The biggest challenge has been the Brown Recluse infestation. While we do not recommend this adventure to anyone, we have learned a lot about protecting ourselves and our pets from these thankfully reclusive creatures. Please drop us a line if you would like to learn more about this type of animal behavior.

The focus of Synergy Animal Behavior, of course, is companion animals; your companions! We look very forward to being part of the overall body of pet support in the Memphis area. Pets can make all of our lives better and if yours is causing you stress instead, we can help you and we can help them.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

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